Friday, January 21, 2011


Today few mexican solders were waiting in front of the border gate with cute little poppy. I could not help myself not to go and stroke it. Especially when it looks like little Pixel (dog what I take care and lives with me) - dos colores, blanco y negro.

One solder knew English so we communicate like that: he was speaking single words in English I was speaking single words in Spanish. I turned out that poppy doesn't have a name and they asked me to choose it. As poppy is a female and will be a little solder - I proposed Marina. So today I gave a name for Mexican perrito soldado :).

Today I also plant wild strawberries, cantaloupe (it was so sweet to eat) and eleven varieties of lettuce and leek.

Cantaloupe & leek

Green house for wild strawberries

Wild strawberries

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